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NeoLedah's LOLRanger AOE guide

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NeoLedah's LOLRanger AOE guide Empty NeoLedah's LOLRanger AOE guide

Beitrag  NeoLedah Fr Mai 03, 2013 1:48 pm

There's 3 things you must always be made aware of:
Stat build
Block rate

The BEST stat build for rangers is always 50 STA rest DEX, no question about it. Sure, some might think more DEX gives you more parry rate and block rate, but after a while even if you maxed out your block rate, you're still being hit for over 150 blocked hits, if they crit you and you don't block it, it pretty much takes close to half of your HP.

You'll always be using just 3 equipments, first the basic:
Lvl60 at this level you can either use the rebron set from the NPC, but I recommend that you get the Grantus set which is the normal blue ranger set, you shouldn't buy it from the darkon 2 NPC though because it sells this set for over 1m a piece, if you can, you should just try to drop it from the mobs.
Do not worry too much about awakenings until lvl75 and 105.
Lvl75 Okas Set. The HP+15% is undoubtedly a massive boost for rangers, since their HP per STA just sucks so much.
Lvl105 Ranerz Set, nuff said.

As for weapons, your best weapons would be the guardian bow, for the HP+15%, and the Luzaka's Bow, for the HP+20% and DEX+10, This whoever is a little difficult to acquire. You need to farm tramnuk for boxes that have a small chance of giving you one of these luzaka weapons, the bow being one of them. You can buy it from players that farm normal tramnuk too, they don't usually cost a lot, you'd be expected to pay over 20m for one of these.
If you can't get a luzaka bow, then your next weapon would be the angel bow. It has HP+20% effect, which is almost as nice as Luzaka Bow, but doesn't have either the high attack rate, nor the 10 DEX from the Luzaka's bow.

Finally, THE best AoE Bow you want to get your hands on is the Luzaka Crystal bow. It has HP+20%, Crit+20%, and ADoCH+45%, giving you the capabilities of a BowJester, AND giving you more firepower as an AoE ranger. Of course before you can wear this bow you have to be master lvl80. But when you do, you can choose between being an AoE or a 1v1 ranger, and if you choose 1v1, you can craft yourself a nice cruiser set. You'll be almost as powerful as any common blade with LGAs.

Being a ranger AoE requires you to get max block ASAP, If you use the 50 STA rest DEX build I mentioned, you'll only start to feel the block rate at about lvl80, until this level you need to rely on DEF.
There are many ways of increasing block rate, the hardest being upgrading your set to +8, which I don't recommend doing until you get your hands on your lvl105 set. The common way is buying a buff pet and inputting the block beads of +7% and +3% block rate, it might seem like it's not such a big deal, but it is.
You can also buy Speedos+2 from CW hunters, Clockworks ALWAYS drops 2x speedos+2 and those should not sell for too much because not a lot of classes needs speedos, and if they do, they want the +3 because of the 10% block rate. The speedo+2 only gives 6%, but if you can equip them asap, it'll be of great help.

I recommend not taking power levels from higher leveled players, you might level slowly on your own, but you'll have your own money in the end. If you level on your own, you can get over 1b penya from lvl60-100.
My most recommended tip is to buy the House furniture as soon as you can, since those furniture items once activated give 150 DEF, 200 attack, and +5 all stats, VERY helpful for low levels and you'll notice it grants an uncanny boost between lvl60-70.

Ranger aoes aren't usually effective without an RM assist to be there to heal you up, but if you aoe on your own, you should do hit and run aoes. If you use my stat build, you can use arrow rain and flame arrow once on the mob, then run away until the aoe cooldowns are off, or until you recover your full health before attempting to aoe again.

In higher levels, using piercing arrow to gather mobs is critical. It only works well on plain ground areas, like the tower B5 mobs, it won't work so good on places like azria because there's too many cliff-like areas. To use it, activate it once, and while the skill is in montion, quickly click on the ground TOWARDS an area that has a high number of mobs, you should use this when there's at least 3 mobs together.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 6
Anmeldedatum : 18.04.13
Alter : 34
Ort : Argentina

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NeoLedah's LOLRanger AOE guide Empty Re: NeoLedah's LOLRanger AOE guide

Beitrag  domdedom Mo Aug 19, 2013 10:09 pm

Geil wie das hier der NeoLedah von eFlyff ist Very Happy
Auch geil wie's keiner merkt, weil ihn niemand kennt.
Egal der spielt wahrscheinlich eh nichtmehr hier drauf


Anzahl der Beiträge : 7
Anmeldedatum : 16.08.13

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